The Possession is a horror film based on a true story. This poster represents the young girl who had been "possessed" by a spirit creature. The whole film is based on her, and the things she does which is affected by the 'thing' inside her. Her family knowing about it; one by one, go on this life threatening journey with her. And try there best to help her to get better, but there's a twist to it. This film was released in 2012.
The connotation of the title informs an implication of the whole film and how it is based. Because the definition of possession literally means owning or controlling something. And the title being "The Possession" simply let's us now straight away, that someone is being owned by something else. Moreover the audience visually reading the text of this poster, gives it to them straight away. This is because the typography simply connotes that it is a horror film, as it's not in normal font so it has purposely been put that way. Their being a faded line crossed in the background of the text, and the letters been given more meaning to them. Just by adding the little sparks here and there; Has a big impact, because readers would clearly want to know what they are watching. And the title will say it all.
The first visual aspect that the audience would capture is the hand coming out of the young girls face. As obviously it is very strange. The hand and the young girl being their, both compose that indeed something is inside her. And it's not something normal, but must be an old living body inside her. I can say this clearly because the hand connotes that it is old. Furthermore the hand clearly contrasts with the girls face. It is much more darker, and we see it very negatively. As it is old and the nails are dirty, were as the girls face is decent. The facial expressions of the girl and her body language clearly shows that she is frightened as she has her head down, and mouth wide open. And there's not much bright colours, but all in fact dull colours. This connotes mystery and horror. Also the audience therefore are determined to know what is going to happen with the young girl. She would be the main character as it only shows a image of her, so the audience also is keen to know who are part of her family. What is more if they are ready to help her.
Moreover the tagline being "darkness lives inside" connotes that something bad is happening to the young girl. And that it's living inside her, in addition the way they describe it grabs the readers attention instantly. And gets them thinking on how it's affecting the girl itself. The camera angle for this shot is a close shot, so we have a closer view of the girl and the hand. All we can see is how scared the girl really is, by her sweating and this is shown by how her hair is presented. Also, the hand has the authority and the power over the young girl. Even though it isn't human, and we cant even see the whole body of the creature. But only the hand coming out of the young girl clearly connotes the power. Perhaps, leading the girl on and directing in her what to do. It connotes varies of things in the audiences mind. Which is good because it makes us want to watch it and creates suspense, and horror.
The whole poster recapitulates the same idea. But just the difference is they do it in different ways but have the clear message to the audience. Another thing that would interest the audience is the typography right at the top. It says 'based on a true story.' As well as the way it is presented, it's not in the same font as "The Possession." But has been clearly given to us in a simple way. So we don't get confused, that it's part of the film. This would get the audience thinking, because the film being a true story may scare them more in knowing it could have happened. Or could happen. So that would want to get them indulged into watching, what was true about it or how it happened. Typically audiences would want to know the denouement overall. If it was good or bad, and they will only get it if they watch this film. So creating suspension and not giving it all away in the poster is a great advantage, because it gets the audience thinking more about it. And may indeed want to watch it.