Yesterday on the 28th December our group got together at my house and discussed our further requirements towards the production we all conversed with each other about diverse things that would fit in with out production. For an example we all decided upon the fact that we'd want a title sequence for about 22 seconds or so, what we were doing is finding the right type of sound we took in consideration the answers from the questions we asked the students and from our research we decided to mix certain music to create a suspense title-sequence. This will work as it will get the audience's attention and allow them to assume things about the story line keeping them closely engaged. I researched the diverse types of media angles we can use for the production and discussed this with my group as we can use it in ours making it look more effective. Mandeep was doing the music research on what we can use as it would engage on the audience.
Coming together we also completed our power point that we will be showing the class showing the ideas that we've come up with what's inspired us. But what we also did was a trial home video showing the type of camera angles were going to use and the facial expressions and body language on the characters face. We use a camera on the phone so it's just a trial on an idea we are thinking to have in the real term. We then gave each other different roles to do at home and then I'm going to take it in all together putting it on the power point. This shows team work and that everyone has something or a role to play in. We're going to see each other next week discussing further on about our production and finishing of the power point.
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